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On Becoming: Embodying Awareness

“In reality, we are divinity in disguise,

and the gods and goddesses in embryo

that are contained within us seek to be fully materialized.”—Deepak Chopra


The spiritual path is one of increasing wholeness. It is shift from head to heart. The Mystery of who you are is beyond the mind. I like to say, “the mind can’t know the Mystery.” It is only by relaxing the mind—softening the contraction of the ego self— that one can rest in the natural openness of their true nature.  


“Although we experience fundamental consciousness,

 it is more correct to say that it experiences itself. We do not know it as an object,

separate from our own being, for we experience that it is our own being.

Fundamental consciousness is self-knowing.

 It is realized when our consciousness becomes conscious of itself.”

—Judith Blackstone


Of course, having an intellectual understanding of our true nature as primal Awareness is part of the path. But, fixating on, the idea that “I am Awareness” is just another attachment. It is taking our fundamental nature as nothing more than another concept, identity or ego-story.


Another pitfall of some on the spiritual path, many of whom focus only on love and light, is using spiritual principles to avoid feeling anything unwanted, such as sadness, discomfort, anger, shame, despair, pain, etc. This is known as spiritual bypassing. While it is natural to want to avoid suffering, sometimes the only way out is through. There are no shortcuts to wholeness.


Spiritual realization is a deepening direct connection to the absolute dimension and to the intelligence and aliveness of your being whereby you can express your true potential. It is not a peak experience as much as it is an ongoing process. The light of unconditionally loving Awareness exposes what has been held in shadow—both emotional accumulations from the past as well as unexplored potential.


Being with what is by holding it in awareness brings healing, integration and maturation on the human level. As opposed to transcending the human experience to escape it, “being with what is” takes awareness inward and down into the heart and the whole body (as well as into invisible layers of our light body). Because of traumatic experience, we may have suppressed emotion and disconnected from the body because it did not feel safe. We may also have constricted (and continue to constrict) the body in an attempt to protect ourselves from uncomfortable feelings which causes blockages in the flow of our life force energy.


Allowing the energy of difficult emotions to move through you, requires patience and kind loving attention. You may find some support (a therapist, an energy or spiritual healer or body worker, etc.) to be helpful because repetitive thought patterns and their accompanying emotions can be very strong, yet sometimes difficult to access. What arises can feel intensely personal and overwhelming.


If you can be with whatever arises and allow it to move through you, energy blocks can dissolve back into formless awareness. Awareness disentangles from subtle forms, transmuting darkness to light. Paradoxically, you raise your vibration by allowing, not avoiding, your darkness.


“Embodiment is the willingness to allow;

to be open to that river of awakened light

to meet those areas that are still in “endarkment.”

In other words, haven’t been previously met.

In this way we stop being in the prison,

 the beautiful prison, and something else takes place.

 It becomes embodied awakening.” —Amoda Maa


Your body is the vehicle through which the divine manifests and expresses itself. As you consciously inhabit the body, your unique signature vibration can be expressed more freely. You also uncover capacities such as greater wisdom, peace and happiness and experience greater harmony, wonder and wellbeing.

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